Shamanism is the oldest indigenous healing tradition in the world that uses nature as a guide into self discovery and Soul Healing. Dating back to the Paleolithic Age, human beings have always craved a connection to something Sacred, something greater than themselves. For our earliest ancestors, this ‘AWE’ factor was Nature. In the ice ages weather and enormous beasts reflected this divinity. In the Neothic times this ‘awe’ changed to the agricultural & moon cycles, and the Great Feminine religions were born. For Native traditions, they translated the stars into intricate calendars, ingested plants to gain holy insights, and honored the Great Spirit with songs, rituals, and customs.

Now, many millennia removed from its earliest spiritual roots, Nature remains our greatest teacher. According to Shamanic Traditions, Nature is the Great Healer, Great Teacher, and GURU. Through deep listening, respect, and flowing with the cycles of the Mother Gaia, we can come into alignment with ourselves and the Great Mystery of Existence. In truth, we ARE nature. We exist in these bodies because of the Divine Intelligence that permeates all life. In connecting with this inner intelligence, our own Nature, we align and commune with all Beings - The Over-Soul.

What is a Shaman?

There is a lot of misconceptions about what a shaman is in todays world. Throughout history Shamans have been referred to as medicine men, wise-women, witches, therapists, intuitive healers, mid-wives, Earth medicine practitioners, spiritual leaders, herbalists, nutritionists, psycho-pomps, or tribal priests. They are the center of their community and the spiritual leaders of the tribe. Shamans have extensive knowledge of human psychology, physical anatomy, subtle body anatomy, plant medicine, natural cures, metaphysical realities, and holistic practices.

Today, Shamans are individuals who heal and expand consciousness. They work with plant medicine, Spirits, Guides, ancestors, and vibrational frequency to help realign people with their authentic spiritual identity. They assist people working through old patterns, old wounds, relationship issues, and earth bound conditioning to reveal the true essence of identity - Oneness. They work with the specific energy centers of the body (called chakras/aura) - aiming to unblock 'closed' or sluggish aspects of Being and raise individual frequency. They help people understand the connection between each other from a multi-dimensional level and accept themselves as a vital part of the web of life.

What is a Shamanic Practitioner?

A Shamanic practitioner/ healer is an intuitive individual who uses shamanic methods, such as physical medicine (plants) and spiritual medicines (like meditation, ceremony, or breathing techniques), to assist humanity in conscious Soulful evolution. They can bridge the space between ordinary and non-ordinary realities and help relieve symptoms of imbalance (on the physical, mental, or emotional layers). Through rigorous training and apprenticeship, practitioners learn how to achieve expanded states of awareness. There they can focus their vision past normal everyday physical existence and travel into the inner worlds and ‘see’ the subtle energetic body of an individual- known in shamanism as the lower, middle, and upper worlds. In this state of expansion, the practitioner may encounter many forms of energetic activity-- power totems, Spirit guides, elemental beings, departed loved ones, ancestors, high transpersonal forces, and archetypal energies – many of whom compassionately assist or serve humanity through consciousness evolution. 

Some of tools of Shamanic practice include plant medicine, shamanic journey (drumming meditation with specific breath work), Hands on Healing, Vibrational Sound Healing, Vision Quest (isolated time in nature), Sweat Lodge, Archetypal Story Telling, and Meditative Counseling. 

Walking the Shamanic Path

There are many ways up the mountain of consciousness and there are many ways to guide shamanic work. There are many different trance practices, plant medicines, and rituals that help us to reach an expanded level of consciousness. Therefore, shamanism is a very personal experience. To me shamanism is the umbrella, the totality of all esoteric practices. It is the direct experience of the GRAND SELF, the OVERSOUL, the ONENESS, the ETERNAL LOVE FREQUENCY, the TAO, the AWE! Shamanism is mysticism....and everyone's relationship with their own mystical experience is unique. This is why shamanism is so hard to teach or write down in limited human words. 

It is the experience of REMEMBERING!

First and foremost, when entering into Shamanic study, learning how to Ground Oneself is critical. You can only fly as high as your roots go deep, and there are many ways to fall into egotistical posturing of a sacred experience...this happens all the time in the fast paced world of spiritual materialism. Shamanism is not about ownership, or waiving feathers around, or getting ‘high,’ or about disengaging from the world. It’s about being hyper present in the world today and feeling the interconnectedness of all things. You are in this body for a reason, and expanding consciousness is not about escaping this reality, diminishing this reality, or living in a drama of past lives. It is about being Fully Present in the NOW and honoring the multi-dimensional nature of this existence. It is a daily practice, a daily honoring of Nature, both in the outer world…and inside the body that we get to inhabit.

It is a practice of Respecting Life.

Sacred Feminine Shamanism

Shamanism, at its core, is the Direct Experience with the Divine. As the LIATI Goddess Frequencies are activated within your own psyche, you will reclaim the parts of yourself that were unacceptable, shamed, frightened, or simply not germinated in the rat race of human busyness. You will feel your Goddess self WAKE UP- allowing dormant life-force and vitality to flow (this is called soul retrieval). This flow connects you will all creation.  

The Greek Mythologies are distinct energy grids (in story format), rich with hidden knowledge, that help us unblock different charkas (our energy grids) of the body and create harmony between the different points of consciousness. Each sacred story is sutra, a thread, a map from low frequency (unconscious) thinking into ascended alignment with the Universal Love Vibration, Unified, or 5th dimension. Throughout the reclaiming process, you will gain awareness and learn to stop reacting to your past ‘small self’s’ mental habits and emotional waves. You will start to make space for Free Choice and create the life you want.

Are you ready to step into Pure Creation Energy and be the architect of your existance?

Shamanic Side Note

In my almost 20 years of study, I have apprenticed and trained with many different indigenous healers and wisdom keepers. I have participated and practiced many different shamanic techniques and felt the intense healing that comes with this work. That being said, I do not give myself the label of “Shaman.” That title is reserved for respected tribal elders who act as the center-piece, or “AXIS MUNDI” of their particular community. I do hold the label Shamanic Practitioner and feel deeply honored to carry on this work.