Quantum Healing
What is Quantum Healing?
Quantum Bodywork is a transformative blend of healing modalities that encompasses vibrational sound therapy, deep tissue bodywork, energy medicine techniques, holistic coaching, trauma release, and the rejuvenating power of infrared therapy.
Why Quantum?
Our existence extends far beyond the visible, with about 99% of us being electrically charged space, a combination of matter and energetic frequency.
We comprise intricate amalgams of mental waves, emotional currents, subconscious desires, and spiritual wisdom. This concealed energy field forms the foundation of our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being.
Nurturing this subtle energetic body (SEB) can lead to a life marked by alignment, vitality, and holistic health, while neglecting it may result in imbalances and dis-ease.
What Happens in a Session?
In the session, I reach an elevated state of consciousness, assess your energy system, eliminate vibrational disturbances, harmonize your 13 chakras, and utilize gentle touches, cranial holds, and deep pressure point releases to restore your entire system.
Your energetic body is infused with high-frequency energy, facilitating the release of negative or stagnant energies and the unblocking of emotional patterns. This process often unveils the root causes of disruptions in the energy field.
Clients may experience heightened emotions, connect with past loved ones, or even establish direct contact with their Higher Self
After a session, experiences of sudden awakenings, miraculous insights, quantum leaps in thought, intensified dreams, and heightened non-ordinary awareness are frequently reported.
To complete your session, we will discuss what 'homework,' or continued coaching practices that might be beneficial in continuing your journey.
Learn More
Book a session:
2 Hours, $240
2.5 Hours, $295