Breathwork Training

Breathe Better. Live Better

Breathwork is a powerful yet straightforward practice that involves altering breathing ratios in conjunction with specific movements or meditation methods.

Breathwork essentially taps into the innate power of your blood biochemistry, the electrical patterns of your brain, and the energy grids within your subtle body to activate your natural healing mechanisms.

By engaging and understanding this often-overlooked aspect of your physiology, you can undergo profound transformations in your overall well-being, ultimately resulting in greater happiness, self knowledge, vitality, and resilience.

We offer a comprehensive approach to breathwork, teaching five distinct types of breathing techniques: coherence, trauma release, psychotropic, sports performance, and our unique LIATI signature practices designed to elevate consciousness and invoke radial healing, expanding your self-perception. But why take our word for it? Experience the benefits for yourself!

"When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace." — Author Unknown

We Offer the following Breathwork Sessions

  • BBTRS® is an all-encompassing approach that combines mindful, interconnected breathing alongside movement, vocalization, emotional catharsis, bodywork, and meditation. Through these sessions, the body is encouraged to naturally and safely release accumulated tension and trauma, following a regulated process of pendulation.

    Unprocessed trauma can show up in many ways:


    - Insomnia

    -Digestive problems

    -Weight gain

    -Chronic anxiety

    - Perfectionism



    - Manic thinking

    -Chronic pain (no matter how much bodywork is received)

    -A sense of feeling disconnected from ourselves

    Many people don't realize that unresolved emotional material may be at the root of these issues. BBTRS® is designed to break through layers of body armoring and restore balance to the neurological system. The result - You open up to acceptance of yourself and others, celebrating life in its fullest.

    Learn More: TRAUMA HEALING 101

  • Psychotropic Breathwork offers a transformative exploration of consciousness and mind. Inspired by pioneers like Stan Grof of Holotropic Breathwork and Jeru Kabbal, this style of breathing allows individuals to experience a profound connection with their inner selves and the universe, leading to a range of benefits, including:

    -Expanded Consciousness: Unveil hidden realms of awareness and gain deeper insights.

    -Emotional Release: Facilitate the release of emotional blockages and past traumas, fostering healing and shadow work.

    -Spiritual Growth: Connect with your spiritual self and gain a sense of purpose.

    -Self-Discovery: Journey into the depths of your psyche, revealing hidden aspects of your being.

    This potent technique is best experienced under the guidance of a trained professional, as it may intensify emotional and traumatic sensations within the nervous system, ensuring a safe and transformative journey.

  • Sports Performance Breathing is a game-changer when it comes to optimizing your athletic performance. It's not just about enhancing your lung capacity; it's about training your blood chemistry to become more resilient to changes in pH through specific techniques. By harnessing the power of your breath, you can unlock a range of benefits that include:

    -Improved Oxygen Efficiency: Sports Performance Breathing enhances your body's ability to use oxygen more effectively, boosting stamina and endurance.

    -Faster Recovery: It aids in quicker recovery by facilitating the removal of metabolic waste products like lactic acid.

    -Enhanced Mental Focus: Mastering your breath improves mental clarity and focus, giving you the edge in high-pressure situations.

    -Reduced Risk of Injury: Optimal pH balance in the bloodstream can reduce the risk of cramps and injuries during physical activity.

  • Coherence Breathwork is a powerful practice that influences heart rate, fostering a sense of calm, improved mood, better sleep, and enhanced focus. By promoting coherence between the heart and the brain, this technique paves the way for a multitude of health benefits:

    * Enhanced Heart Rate Variability: Coherence Breathwork optimizes heart rate variability, a key indicator of physical and emotional health.

    * Calm Mood: This practice leads to a profound sense of emotional balance and tranquility.

    * Restorative Sleep: Coherence Breathwork aids in achieving more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

    * Laser-Focused Attention: It enhances concentration and cognitive performance.

    Coherence Breathwork is especially useful when paired with meditation. This dynamic duo taps into the power of your breath and the stillness of your mind, offering a range of benefits, including:

    - Altered Brain Waves: This practice can shift your brain into various states, enhancing creativity, relaxation, and mental clarity.

    - Expanded Awareness: Breathwork and meditation open the doors of perception, allowing you to explore hidden realms of consciousness and connect with your deeper self.

    - Emotional Balance: By nurturing a calm mind, this practice fosters emotional resilience and self-knowledge, making it particularly effective for healing trauma.

    - Stress Reduction: Regular sessions reduce stress levels, promoting a sense of tranquility and mental harmony.

    - Improved Focus: Enhancing concentration and mental acuity, it bolsters your ability to navigate life's challenges with clarity and composure.

    - Felt Sense: Deepening your connection to your body, breathwork and meditation nurture the felt sense, aiding in the healing of trauma.

    - Spiritual Growth: Many practitioners find themselves on a path of spiritual discovery, connecting with their inner wisdom and gaining insights into the mysteries of life and existence.

  • Unlike conventional methods that may overlook the holistic nature of well-being, SAC shines a light on the intricate interplay between mental patterns, body beliefs & nutrition, emotions, inner child dynamics, and subtle energy health. Meticulously crafted over years of practice and refinement, our approach seamlessly integrates personal development coaching, dynamic breathwork techniques, hypnotic meditation, and cutting-edge quantum energetic theory into a comprehensive trauma-informed system of full-spectrum wellness.

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BOOK a Session:

In-Person: $175, or 3 pack $500

Virtual: $140, or 3 pack $350

BBTRS 7 Series: $899

Enrollment Perks:

If you are enrolled in the LIATI Institute, enjoy $20 off breathwork sessions..