What are sacred feminine retreats?

Welcome Sisters!

The Sacred Feminine is the matrix of creation, holding the mysteries of life's renewal. She embodies qualities of wildness, untamed energy, and the profound essence of being truly alive. Her call beckons us to venture beyond our comfort zones and embrace vulnerable intimacy with all that crosses our path. When the Sacred Feminine thrives, she becomes an endless wellspring of wisdom, empowerment, and intuitive insight. However, when constrained by patriarchal constructs of femininity, we become ensnared in the confines of the mind, veiling our radiant truth.

As women, we yearn to express ourselves, to belong to a greater purpose, to serve, and to dance in the radiant light of creation. Our retreats offer a sanctuary for women seeking companionship and sacred sisterhood. Throughout our journey together, we embark on a diverse experiential voyage that includes vulnerability practices, group sharing, dynamic breathwork, Goddess rituals, mindful eating, grounding techniques, guided meditation, sacred movement, astrology, and personal reflection exercises.

Through this work, you will deepen your connection with yourself and life, enhance your psychic intuition, heal emotional wounds, foster self-love and body acceptance, find confidence in sharing your voice, celebrate your sexuality, and trust in your unique soul path. This transformative journey invites the healing of various aspects of the soul, both through conscious witnessing and the sacred space we hold for one another.

Rumors, Gossip, & Testimonials

Many don’t know that the LIATI School and 5 Pillars courses actually started as a retreat community through The Spirit Root, LLC. We believe that sisterhood is the container where healing most effectively occurs. When we are witnessed in our vulnerability, and able to hold this sacred space for each other, wholeness has a place to burst into creation. Every year we still take the LIATI 5 teachings on the road to beautiful locations, connect with divine nature, and deep dive into a particular principle. Hope you can join us!

Check out the gossip from our live Goddess retreats

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