5 Pillar Courses

“Every time I witness a strong person, I want to know: What dark did you conquer in your story? Mountains do not rise without earthquakes.”

-Katherine Mackennet

“Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine was utterly life changing for me. I came into this retreat with a lot of body hatred and low self- esteem. I loved the combination of the factual, experimental, and ritual. Learning about the history of mythology, the archetypes, exploring what we learned through breath-work/movement/eulogy, and then coming
together to share, listen and create a sense of community was so healing. I am going back into my life as a new woman, ready to ‘be on her own side’ regardless of what others people think. Thank you.”
— Becca, Graduate of The 5 Pillars

5 Pillar Signature Courses

The Five Pillars Course a meticulously crafted guide to you in nurturing yourself back into self love. As human beings, we often grow up in dysfunctional households where our survival required us to people please, give up the authentic self, and lose connection with our spiritual core. This training is a map back to your authentic self where you will conduct an honest inventory of yourself and your relationship with life. It guides you to re-mother/parent yourself through diverse facets of existence: the physical vessel, the realm of intellect, the domain of emotions, the tender essence of the inner child, the tumultuous terrain of the inner teenager, the enigmatic shadow self, the sacred sanctum of spirituality, and the transcendental realms of you higher awareness.

Within these sacred teachings, you’ll embark upon a journey that intertwines the mystical with the empirical. 5 Pillars combines stimulating lectures, historic perceptions, vibrant breathing practices, guided meditations, self-reflection homework, re-parenting techniques, and private coaching calls that will shift form, broaden our view of who you 'believe' you are, and take on your Higher nature fully. Journy into a robust library of Ancient Greek mythologies with cutting-edge tools of dynamic breathwork, somatic trauma release, hypnotic meditation, and depth psychology, revealing the potent force, pulsating within.

When this luminous presence assumes command, the shackles of scarcity and fear dissolve, paving the way for harmonious alignment across all dimensions of life.

Some key components of the 5 Pillars

  • Heal your relationship to your body image, eating, and food systems

  • Re-Parent the Inner Child and Allow the Inner Adult to Drive Your Life

  • Dissolve Trauma Armoring & Create New Rituals and Routines that Serve You

  • Defining True Self Value & Ending Frenetic Mental Talk

  • Reclaim Sacred Sexuality & Learn to Receive Without Guilt

  • Learn Sacred service, Reiki & Energy Medicine

  • Discover Your Spiritual Guides & Fine Tune Intuitive Gifts

  • Discover Soul contracts & Karmic Relationship Patterns with Loved Ones

  • Move From Head to Heart

Take a deep breath, listen to your body and choose which course is right for you. If you’re not sure, book a complimentary 30 minute DISCOVERY CALL and connect.

We look forward to welcoming you into the community.

Signature Courses:

5 Pillars Full Bundles

Healing Intensive Bundles:

Breathwork , Trauma Release, & teaching Intensives for Conscious Living

LIATI Referral Program:

Share Wisdom. Share Abundance. If the 5 Pillars or LIATI system has made an impact on your life, we invite you share the work with your community. When you refer a friend to any of our programs, your friend receives 20% off, and you receive 100 retreat points (Use for retreats, in person sessions, or workshops), and 10% off any other courses in the LIATI school. There is no limit to your accruement of referral points, and point are 1:$1. This is a wonderful way to share the work and join us for more sisterhood events. You will find a link to refer your friends in your first course.

Blessed Be