The Fine Print & FAQs

how to heal, how to connect, community, meditation, guided breathwork, psychotropic breathing, greek goddess, moon ritual

Is This Course Right For Me?

This training is suitable for anyone who wishes to journey into self discovery, find inner stability, heal emotional wounds, and access psychic intuition. Although we may identify with either a masculine or feminine body, the Sacred Feminine is omnipresent. If you are 18+ years of age, this work is for you. Key elements of focus are self esteem reboots, trauma healing, and heart - mind coherence. The work helps identify life purpose and establishes practical tools of self care in conscious relationships.


Is This Training a substitute for Psychiatric Counseling?

No. This training does not diagnose, treat, or take the place of professional medical or psychological therapies. The concepts and exercises presented in this training are for self inquiry and self realization purposes. The practitioners within this training are not certified psychological/psychiatric counselors or medical professionals. It is your own responsibility to seek these professional modalities if needed. Terms of Use & Consent Agreement

What is the Time Commitment?

The 5 Pillars Original Program a self paced program and usually takes about 6-12 months (4-6 for the Accelerated). We recommend scheduling 1hr-90 minutes, 3-5 times per week to connect with the work. But, if you want to take a more relaxed approach, no worries. You have the course for life!

Classes are scheduled in a specific order to help the integration process. Please don’t skip around, as the unwinding of the energetics is formulated for your deepest release and healing. Please allow energy shifts to occur slowly and stick. Once the process of ‘Reclaiming’ begins, it is very important to follow through.


What Do I Need to Start the Training?

You have the opportunity to truly let your deeper self speak…but she needs a couple things. First: The willingness to open and shift. Change is a moment-to-moment choice. Second: Commitment.We recommend finding somewhere that is just for you to do this work. This can be as small as a closet or as grand as your own meditation room. A journal, blindfold, candle, and intense (Paulo Santo or Sage) is a great idea too. If you have a Spotify account, that is helpful for some of the meditations.

Sisterhood Zooms & 1:1 Coaching

Included in your 5 Pillars Original or Accelerated are private 30 minute one-on-one calls with Jenny (valued at $125). Coaching sessions are by invitation once you hit certain milestones in the program. If you need a session prior to your first coaching, please contact us. Throughout the program, it’s a good idea to keep a journal and take notes. That way when we get to our call, you can remain focused on what’s most important for you during our time together. This is a great way to feel supported during your training.


Teacher Training & Ambassadors

Did you know that you could become a Certified LIATI Lifestyle  Coach? This Teacher Training is open to individuals who have completed the 5 Pillars Goddess Training (Original or Accelerated) and wish to introduce the teachings into their own coaching practice. Learn how to integrate the core 5 Pillar tools of breathwork, hypnotic meditation, energy medicine, and self care expertise into your own leadership skills, retreats, and level up your conscious entrepreneurship. Our NEW TT Hybrid will be available Nov. 2023.