Greek Mythology: The Backbone of Modern Astrology

Astrology has been around for millennia, with roots in the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Babylon. But did you know that Greek mythology is actually the backbone of astrology as we know it? Each astrological sign corresponds to a god or goddess in Greek mythology, and understanding the myths behind each sign can give us a much deeper understanding of ourselves than a simple horoscope ever could. In this blog post, we’ll explore the connection between Greek mythology and astrology, and how delving into the myths behind our signs can help us become more conscious of our habits and behaviors.

Let’s start with Sagittarius, represented by the goddess of the hunt, Artemis. In Greek mythology, Artemis was known for her fierce independence and love of nature, which perfectly corresponds to the free-spirited and adventurous nature of Sagittarius. But, looking deeper into her myth, we find that Artemis is a patroness of healthy body image. Does this mean that one of Sagittarius’s soul lessons has to do with body acceptance, emotional eating, and loving their outer figure? Similarly, Aphrodite (or Venus in the Roman system), the goddess of love and beauty, rules over Libra. She loves to play and experience life at full intimacy. Libra is well known as a sign of balance and mental acuity. But, when we look at the myth behind the sign, perhaps Libra’s greater Soul craving is to feel life fully…all of it, instead of mentally balancing opposites all the time. By understanding the myths behind these signs, we can gain a greater appreciation for the unique qualities that make each sign so special.

But it’s not just about the obvious correspondences. Take the sign of Taurus, for example. Many people associate Taurus with Aphrodite, but the truth is that the Greek myth behind Taurus is actually Dionysus, the god of wine and ecstasy. This myth tells the story of a child who was abandoned and left to fend for himself, leading him down a path of excess and addiction. This mythology can help us understand why Tauruses may be more susceptible to addictive behaviors and overindulgence.

Similarly, Capricorns are ruled by Saturn, which in Greek mythology corresponds to Cronus. Cronus is the archetype of the wounded child who grows up too quickly due to trauma, becoming obsessed with power to make up for their pains. By looking deeper into this mythology, we can understand that the cure for this pain is actually through developing a feminine essence rather than overpowering life as we often see in power-hungry Capricorns. Understanding the mythology can help Capricorns seek balance instead of overcompensation.

It’s clear that Greek mythology is deeply interwoven with astrology, and together they offer us a glimpse into the vast landscape of our conscious and subconscious selves. The power of myth to inform our psyche has been noted by thinkers from all different disciplines, including the renowned mythologist Joseph Campbell. Campbell believed that myths played a vital role in revealing our human consciousness, shaping both our inner and outer worlds. When we dive into the Greek archetypes behind each sign, we gain a better understanding of our own personal myths and how they shape our lives.

In conclusion, while astrology has its doubters and critics, there’s no denying that it’s been around for a long time for a reason. Its connection to Greek mythology offers us a rich and multifaceted tapestry for understanding ourselves and our place in the world. When we take the time to delve deep into the myths behind our astrological signs, we can begin to better understand our behaviors, motivations, and desires. Take a moment to consider your own sign in light of the Greek myths behind it, and see what new insights you might discover. Engage further by taking a short quiz about the 5 Pillars Goddess Training at the bottom of this post, and learn even more about how the ancient myths can inform your modern life.

Quiz: Which Goddess Archetype Do You Embody?

To put your newfound knowledge into practice, take the short quiz below and discover which goddess archetype you embody. Remember, knowledge is only the first step – true transformation only comes through taking action and embracing who you truly are. If you want to dive deeper, please visit our signature courses for more insights and information.

Which quality do you value the most in yourself?

a) Courage

b) Compassion

c) Creativity

d) Intuition

e) Serenity

What is your biggest fear?

a) Being powerless

b) Losing a loved one

c) Being alone

d) Not living up to your own expectations

e) Losing control

Which element do you resonate with the most?

a) Fire

b) Earth

c) Water

d) Air

e) Spirit

What is your biggest desire?

a) To find your purpose

b) To love unconditionally

c) To express your creativity

d) To trust your intuition

e) To find inner peace


Mostly A's: Athena – goddess of wisdom and courage

Mostly B's: Demeter – goddess of giving and motherhood

Mostly C's: Aphrodite – goddess of beauty and desire

Mostly D's: Artemis – goddess of the hunt and wilderness

Mostly E's: Persephone – goddess of death and rebirth

-Jenny Ania


 Aphrodite’s Belly: A Call to Self-Acceptance and Love