Aphrodite’s Belly: A Call to Self-Acceptance and Love

Did you know that mythically Aphrodite walked around having orgasms all day long because she was so immersed in the intimate sensuality of her life? Wouldn’t that me MAGICAL? She fully received the luscious smells, sight, touch, and awe from her world. She loved herself so much that there were no barriers or armoring that kept the world out. That takes real courage, real self love, real self acceptance.

Imagine walking around with a deep love and admiration for your body, so much that it fills you with pleasure and joy all day long. That was the goddess Aphrodite, a voluptuous woman who radiated sensuality and self-love. As women, we often struggle to accept our bodies, especially as we age. We focus on our "imperfections" like belly fat and wrinkles, instead of celebrating the life experiences that they represent. In this blog post, we invite you to join us in embracing the wisdom of Aphrodite and learning to appreciate our bodies as they are, regardless of age or appearance. The cultural pressure on women to look a certain way can be overwhelming. It's hard not to compare ourselves to others or feel like we don't measure up. But what if we shifted our perspective and saw our bodies as living, breathing vessels gifted to us by the universe? Our bodies allow us to experience joy, engage in fulfilling relationships, and pursue our passions. They are truly amazing things. As we age, our bodies carry with them the stories of our lives, and every "flaw" represents a moment of growth, adventure, or love.

Every part of our body tells a story, and every story is worth celebrating. Maybe you have belly fat, but that's because you've shared meals and laughter with friends and family. Perhaps you have wrinkles, but they're a testament to the grit and resilience that got you through tough times. Instead of fighting against these changes, let's embrace them with kindness and understanding. Our bodies carry us through the ups and downs of life, and they deserve to be appreciated and loved. They are so much more than flesh.

The fact is our true essence surpasses the confines of the physical body. In reality, we are 99% energy and only 1% matter. Should we truly judge ourselves based on just 1% of our material consciousness? There is so much more mental, emotional, sensual, mystical, and spiritual energy behind this physical form. If we could stop throwing our precious energy and focus away to depleting self hatred or shame, and instead rewire our perception, we will get back into alignment with our soul and purpose. Energy goes where attention flows. Do we want our body to dictate our confidence levels, or appreciate it for the miracle that it is? As a daily challenge, let's focus on all the things that our bodies can do, where they have taken us, and how much life memory is stored within the physical as wisdom. We are walking libraries of this beautiful multidimensional existence we get to have!

Furthermore, it’s important to remember that the way we treat ourselves resonates deeply within the younger generations. We teach younger women how to treat themselves by example - especially if we are mothers. Younger women see how we are with ourselves, and copy it. So, if we want to clean up the historical hatred of womanhood, it is crucial that we impart the wisdom of self-love to young women, guiding them away from self-rejection and perfectionism. After all, what does being ‘in shape’ actually mean? Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to impart ‘being fit?’ We must teach the younger generations to look beyond the surface and embrace the entirety of their being: their emotions, thoughts, and spirit. By doing so, we empower them to love themselves unconditionally, fostering a legacy of self-acceptance for generations to come.

As we start to reflect on how we treat our own body, consider the follow questions:

"What is one thing I love about my body?"

"How can I show myself loyalty and honor today?"

These simple prompts can help us shift our focus and cultivate more self-love.

Action Steps:

Try looking into your own eyes in the mirror every morning, midday, and evening, and repeating a specific affirmation, like "I love my body. I am healthy.’

When you shower and wash you body, symbolically create the image that your hands are your lover, totally in awe of your beautiful curves. Wash yourself with affection, sensuality, and remember to breathe!

We are so much more than the sum of our physical parts, and we deserve to celebrate ourselves just as we are. We can learn from Aphrodite, who loved herself so much that she couldn't help but feel orgasmic with pleasure all day long. Imagine feeling that kind of joy and gratitude for your own body by embracing your sensual nature. So, sisters, embrace your unique beauty and start loving your body like Aphrodite. It's time to celebrate all that we are and all that we will become.

Here are a few more wisdom questions to consider as well as some affirmations to practice.

1. What emotions am I trying to escape from when I engage in emotional eating?

"I am worthy of love and acceptance regardless of my weight and body shape"

2. What can I do to prioritize my physical and emotional health instead of worrying about my perceived flaws?

"My body is a temple and it deserves to be treated with respect and care"

3. How can I shift my mindset from criticism to celebration of my body's unique beauty and strength?

"I embrace my imperfections and flaws as a part of my authentic self"

Action Step: Try looking at your eyes in the mirror in the morning, midday, and evening. Repeat your chosen affirmation and allow it to sink in. When you see your eyes dilate, CELEBRATE! Your eyes dilating is a sign that you are trying to take more of yourself in…because you love yourself!

In Kindness,

-Jenny Ania


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