Goddess Athena: Healing Developmental Trauma

We all know that traumas sometimes leave wounds that we cannot easily see. These wounds are often hidden deep within our psyche and take years to heal. One of the main roles that the goddess Athena plays in our lives is that of healing the solar plexus chakra and helping us empower ourselves. Athena can help us by encouraging us to set boundaries, recognize our needs, and focus on self-care. Her influence extends to healing developmental trauma, which often causes damage to our sense of safety and openness. Developmental trauma damages our sense of safety and openness as children, causing us to develop coping mechanisms that we carry into adulthood. One of these coping mechanisms is fawning, where we try to please others at the expense of our own needs. In the intricate web of trauma responses, fawning emerges as a survival strategy that arises from our deepest need to protect ourselves. Although it may not seem as dramatic as fighting, freezing, or fleeing a situation, fawning may be more damaging because we ‘flee’ and dissociate from ourselves. This form of trauma survival often goes unnoticed,silently shaping our lives and relationships. Acted out fawning appears as a pattern of people-pleasing, excessively accommodating others, and prioritizing their needs, all to avoid potential rejection or harm. This response often stems from early experiences where safety, nurturance, and validation were compromised, leaving a profound impact on our journey towards self-discovery.

Athena is the goddess of wisdom, courage, and strategy. She is often depicted wearing armor and holding a spear, signifying her strength and readiness to defend her boundaries. Athena teaches us that our boundaries are sacred and necessary for self-preservation; they protect us from being hurt by others. When we are not aware of our boundaries, we often allow others to cross the line, causing us harm and leaving us afraid or vulnerable.

Additionally, Athena is associated with esteem, particularly the healthy self-esteem that arises from recognizing and asserting our needs. She helps us understand that our needs are valid and should be respected for us to live fulfilling lives. For those of us who have suffered from developmental trauma, it can be challenging to identify our needs. Often, we lived in an environment where our needs were ignored or met with hostility or ridicule. Athena helps us develop the necessary self-awareness to identify our needs and accept them as valid.

One of the ways we can begin to heal from developmental trauma and shift away from fawning is by acknowledging that we are responsible for our own healing and needs. No one can do it for us. However, Athena can support us on our healing journey, helping us develop our inner strengths and armor.

Here are three practical things that you can do daily to become more aware of when you are acting from the heart or fawning:

  1. Meditate on the image of Athena with her spear and armor. Visualize her standing beside you, encouraging you to protect yourself and honor your boundaries.

  2. Spend time exploring your needs and defining what is most important to you. Accept whatever comes up without judgment.

  3. Practice self-care, whether it's a bubble bath, a walk-in nature, talk with a friend, or a visit to the therapist. Making time for self-care gives your mind and body space to heal and nurtures your inner strength.

At LIATI School of Healing, Breathwork & Sacred Feminine Studies, we delve into the depths of fawning and developmental trauma, providing a safe space for individuals to explore their experiences and find healing. Our courses guide students through a transformative journey, blending ancient wisdom and contemporary therapeutic approaches, empowering them to reclaim their authentic selves. We invite seekers to unravel the layers of their trauma and learn strategies to release the grip of painful dissociation. By reconnecting with their inner wisdom and embracing self-compassion, individuals can cultivate healthier boundaries, authentic self-expression, and more fulfilling relationships.

Remember that your healing journey is unique to you. Trust yourself and your inner strength, and always remember that you are deserving of love and respect.

If you liked this post, please visit our Signature Courses or Individual Courses for more information and insights.

With Light and Balance,

Jenny Ania


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