Dionysus- The great Green Man

In the realm of ancient Greek mythology, one deity stands out as a symbol of unbridled ecstasy, chaos, and the mystical—Dionysus, also known as Bacchus. Delving into the depths of this enigmatic god's myth unveils a narrative filled with death, rebirth, and a profound challenge to societal norms. This blog explores the intricacies of Dionysian consciousness, shedding light on the god of wine's influence on ancient rituals, the holiday of Yule (or Christmas), and draws intriguing parallels to modern-day mystical experiences.

As a Holiday Gift, please enjoy this mythology as a Yule Tide Gift from LIATI. May it bring you curiosity, expansion, and freedom this season.


The Deceptive Comfort of Spiritual Bypass: The Dark Side of Avoidance