Whether we are climbing the mountain of spiritual ascension or diving into the dark of the traumatized shadow, LOVE is what we find when all our armoring, trauma, ego, and boundaries dissolve. This school is an invitation for you to come home to yourself, heal trauma, reclaim self worth, ignite authentic passion, and share your wisdom with others who need support.

Self Love is the core of living a life of higher Life purpose and wholeness- the LIATI LIFE! In my experience, if you don't have self love, you have nothing. It is the root that supports and initiates Spiritual ascension. Without self love, without a sense of kind inner connection, patience, and honesty, we become fractured from the Sacred. We end up over-scheduled, exhausted, and productive, but not one bit closer to feeling full. Instead there is a nagging numbness, a itchy discontentment, a deep soul sadness that stirs in the empty moments. Why? We have been taught to live a life of ‘success,’ and become dislocated from our true essence, disembodied, and stuck on an endless mental treadmill of trying to earn our worth from the outside -in.

After working in the field of shamanic wellness for decades, I have come to understand that Love is who we are at the core of our Being…all of us. This truth is that coming home to this truth is the bedrock of healing work. Love is the axis Mundi of what makes life meaningful, rich, and whole. At the center of elevated consciousness is universal unity and love. In the center of pain and trauma we find the absence of love (usually self love). Love is who we are when the illusion of separateness no longer blocks our perception. It is the mystical state of oneness. This means that Love is not an emotion, but a frequency of consciousness. In fact, universal love is the highest frequency we can hope to obtain while in body. Many Masters (such as Jesus, the Buddha, or Krishna), Angelic Beings, and enlightened humans embody this frequency as they continue to assist humanity in raising consciousness into greater coherence and balance.

This training was named LIATI because all the tools and practices help lift each individual closer to this LOVE frequency…where all healing and understanding occurs.