The 5 Pillar Courses in the LIATI school are the heart of the work. Throughout these courses, we work with rebalancing all aspects of the human psyche - physical, mental, emotional, sexual, tribal, and spiritual. As you move through the lessons, prepare to ignite a deeper, more honest relationship with yourself as you reclaim your Sacred Feminine Essence. To be 'feminine' in this system is not about gender. Instead it means to resonate with the as your highest self - embodied and conscious in daily reality. She is the part of us that loves, and Love is the primordial power that births everything into Creation. This Sacred Feminine essence is omnipresent - an aspect of consciousness interwoven within each and every one of us. She is our inner self, spontaneous and attuned, inviting us to open to the present moment, and say 'yes' our most authentic, vital selves.
She asks us to pause, observe, and consciously take steps toward valuing ourselves. She asks us to dance with the shadow, embrace the most neglected places, and say YES to all of it. She asks us to take full responsibility for our internal state and use everyday challenges as a launchpad for transformation & growth. She asks us to face our addictions and stop winning approval. She helps us remember our Soul contracts and feel the Sacred in the ordinary. When we open to this part of our divine matrix, we shapeshift and shepherd in new realities - we dance with our dreams made manifest.
But - because our culture is so steeped in outer identification, the Sacred Feminine can be hard to recognize, much less experience in our lives. While the mainstream world pushes toward mind oriented value systems; the quest of the sacred feminine is to live as the embodied conscious observer. To resonate as the great witness, the non-doer, and yet, holds space for life's unique experiences. When this patient, non-reactive presence drives life, the divine path unfolds beneath our feet in service to collective humanity. Healed people heal the world.